Press Release for the Re-Allocation of Places at the OLG


The NSU-Watch is already at the Munich NSU-Proceedings. The independent monitoring agency has no reserved place, but is accredited.  “We can begin our work!”

April 29th, 2013

The independent monitoring agency “NSU-Watch: Educate and Intervene” is accredited for the trial against the NSU that begins on May 6, 2013 before the High Regional Court of Munich. NSU-Watch unfortunately could not gain one of the highly coveted 50 reserved press-seats from the lottery. Of this NSU-Watch separately criticized that – regardless of the awarding procedure—a fair, public litigation process is not assured as long as there is no possibility of a video feed in the second room.
Nevertheless, Sebastian Schneider, who will accompany the trial in Munich for the NSU-Watch stated: “The result of the accreditation process means for us: we can begin our work!” NSU-Watch is confident, in cooperation with other Media outlets, to receive a place in the courtroom. More importantly, however: NSU-Watch will further accompany the process even if, as expected, the media interest wanes. “This way, we are also there if the press seats are not completely full or are to a great extent empty. We see this as one of our key tasks,” says Schneider.
NSU-watch will observe the proceedings against Beate Zschäpe and the other four presumed members respectively, independently, and free of State and commercial interests. The NSU-Watch was founded from a dozen of anti-fascist projects and individuals from all over Germany, it has observed the extreme-right for more than two decades. The team from NSU-Watch researches the true facts and documents the actual development of the process. The monitoring agency will continually publish transcripts and articles about the proceedings—also in Turkish (and English!) translation.


We will soon be able to provide some articles and press releases in English translation.


For further information contact:

Eike Sanders und Sebastian Schneider



Unabhängige Beobachtungsstelle

NSU-Watch: Aufklären und Einmischen“


c/o apabiz e.V.

Lausitzer Str. 10

10999 Berlin


Further Information on possible donations